Spill i blått og hvitt neste! MFK Kvinner
Den 23 årige Sveitseren kommer fra spill i BSC Young Boys i hjemlandet og var i forrige sesong involvert i 11 kamper. Vi tok en liten prat med henne i forbindelse med overgangen og det kan leses under.
Q: Who are you and where are you from?
- I was born and raised in Switzerland, with a Swiss father and a Brazilian mother. I started playing football at the age of four, so I’ve been involved in the sport for 19 years. Up until now, my football career has been based entirely in Switzerland. Once I set my sights on a goal, I am determined to achieve it. I also have a passion for learning new languages.
Tidligere har hun representert Sveits på aldersbestemte landslag helt opp til J19 hvor hun fikk med seg kamper i U19 EM tilbake i 2018.

Q: Why leave Switzerland for Molde and Norway?
- I felt it was the right time to leave Switzerland and make my mark as a footballer abroad. When I first learned about Molde, the Aker Stadium was the first thing I saw, and I was immediately captivated by the city.
Q: What made you come to the club?
- I am particularly impressed by the strong commitment to women’s football here, which is truly inspiring. The whole project has left a strong impression on me. It’s evident that everyone is working towards a common goal with great dedication. The professional environment and the positive impressions I’ve received from both the players and coaching staff have been outstanding. As I sat by the fjords, I couldn’t imagine a better place for my next chapter.
Vi er glade for å ha Chiara på plass og ønsker henne velkommen til klubben og byen!